Based on the novel 'Doña Bárbara' by Rómulo Gallegos, this theatrical production incorporates music and dance to Gallegos' iconic drama, bringing to life this masterpiece of Latin American literature in a truly genuine way. Never before a movie, TV or theatrical production had combined the plot of this classic novel with the powerful music and dance typical from the Colombian-Venezuelan plains, in combination with its Spanish roots. The show was premiered in 2011 and has been enjoyed by more than 50,000 spectators in Venezuela.
"I am deeply touched by this show, to see how through dance and music a reencounter with our past and the hope in our future is materialized on stage. Is the people celebrating their traditions and the legacy received from other lands and cultures. It is, above all, the reencounter with ourselves as human beings through an optimistic and timely message that joyously matches my father’s novel. The drama of their characters, with their defects and virtues, the power of nature… and at the end of all: forgiveness."
Sonia Gallegos